Blog Blubber

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Weekend Topic

- If you could pick any actor to be the president, whom would you choose? Ronald Reagan. Oops, silly me, that already happened. I'll go with Jon Stewart (he is an actor, right?).

- What’s the one sound that drives you crazy? People pulling their fingers back and cracking all their knuckles at once.

- What is one event in the future whose outcome you would like to know now? I'd like to know how and when this crazy Iraq situation will end.

- What eye color do you find most attractive? Green

- Does time have a beginning? This question is too mind boggling for me to even consider answering it.

- Would you pose for Playboy/Playgirl for a million bucks? We're all beautiful here at the Weekend Topic so looks and body type can't factor into your decision. Hmm...yeah, most likely.

Weekend Topic

- Which TV show do you feel had the best finale (final episode)? Without a doubt, Six Feet Under. I don't anticipate any show ever topping that. Perfecto!

- What is your most embarrassing CD on your self? I don't think I have any. If the question was what is the most embarrassing record you ever owned, well, I'd have plenty to choose from there.

- Who is the most interesting person you have ever met? Not sure, need to think about some more.

- If a train leaves Chicago at 10:00 travelling 50 mph and another train leaves New York at 11:00... just kidding.

- If you could "unknow" one thing you know, what would it be? Bush's lies about the war, the loss of our civil liberties, Congress doing nothing and allowing him to have a dictatorship, blah, blah. You get the picture.

- For one million dollars, would you allow yourself to be framed for a bank robbery and sentenced to 3 years in jail? Upon being released, you get the million. Maybe if I didn't have my pups and my kittie but as it is, no.

Weekend Topic

- Is there a particular actor whose movies you refuse to watch? If so, who is it? Although I do try to avoid Tom Cruise, I can't think of any one actor that I refuse to watch.

- Are you good at spelling and/or grammar? I used to be an excellent speller but not so much any more. I suppose I'm reasonably good at both.

- Do you believe world peace is an achievable goal? No and for basically the same reasons I gave for world hunger. There's too many power-hungry cruel people in the world.

- Would you tell your best friend if you hated his/her fiancee? That's a hard one. I'd probably tell her about my concerns but probably wouldn't go as far as saying I hated him. My dad always told me to never use the word hate and not wanting to feel the guilt, I try abide by that rule.

- For $100,000, would you have all your teeth pulled and be without dentures for one year? A BIG no way to that one. I do have a friend whose mother had all her perfectly good teeth pulled because she was told, by her sister no less, that dentures were easier. Now she understandably regrets it. I can't imagine that being worth it even if they were easier to take care of.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Weekend Topic

- Is there a particular actor whose movies you refuse to watch? If so, who is it? Although I do try to avoid Tom Cruise, I can't think of any one actor that I refuse to watch.

- Are you good at spelling and/or grammar? I used to be an excellent speller but not so much any more. I suppose I'm reasonably good at both.

- Do you believe world peace is an achievable goal? No and for basically the same reasons I gave for world hunger. There's too many power-hungry cruel people in the world. Plus, we can't forget the truly evil (i.e., Bush and Cheney).

- Would you tell your best friend if you hated his/her fiancee? That's a hard one. I'd probably tell her about my concerns but probably wouldn't go as far as saying I hated him. My dad always told me to never use the word hate and not wanting to feel the guilt, I try abide by that rule.

- For $100,000, would you have all your teeth pulled and be without dentures for one year? A BIG no way to that one. I do have a friend whose mother had all her perfectly good teeth pulled because she was told, by her sister no less, that dentures were easier. Now she understandably regrets it. I can't imagine that being worth it even if they were easier to take care of.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

daily topic

- What movie character's life would you least like to have? Hillary Swank in 'Boys Don't Cry'.
- Where do you go for advice? Depends on the problem - Is marrying for money a form of prostitution? Yeah, I suppose so.
- Name something that should have never been invented. WMD
- Describe something that's happened to you for which you have no explanation. I'm sure I have a good answer for this but I can't think of anything right now.
- Would you wear a mullet (wig) for one year for $50,000? You wouldn't be able to wear a hat or cover your face in any way. I'd be embarrassed but I'd bravely struggle through it.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Antiques Roadshow

We'll be hosting our very own version of 'The Antiques Roadshow' this weekend. Our expert historians will be on hand to appraise your antiques and collectibles. Dig out those family heirlooms and come on down.
- Name a sitcom that everyone seems to 'get' except you. There's lots of them but the first one that comes to mind is 'Frazier'. I thought he was great on 'Cheers' but could never get passed two minutes of his show.

- Are your friends more inclined to call you active or a couch-potato? active

- What color looks best on you? According to my skin-tone, it's supposed to be red and blue and I think black.

- If someone called you a b!tch, would you be offended? I would laugh because it's so far off from my personality. I'm many, many things but a b!tch isn't one of them.

- Would you have 'Head On, apply directly to the forehead' tattooed on your forehead for 1 million dollars? You wouldn't be allowed to cover it with a headband or make-up or bangs nor could never have it removed. I might wrestle with this for a while but would ultimately turn it down. The only thing anyone truly owns in this world is their body. I can't imagine purposely doing anything that would worsen my looks.

My Humble Abode

Do you live in a house, town home, condo or an apartment? house
How many bedrooms does your home have? three
Do you have a family room? No, but my livingroom is a double agent.
Do you have a fireplace? No, but I wish I did.
What color is the exterior of your home? It is light gray.
Is your bed a queen, king, double or single? Double trouble
Is your home more than one story? Yes, it's two stories.
Do you know your neighbors? Yes
Is your home in the city, country, or suburbs? city
How long have you lived in your current home? Eight years

Earth Day celebration

I hope you all can join us this weekend for our Earth Day celebration. If all goes planned, by Sunday evening, the Weekend Topic will be 100% green.
We have lots of stuff to give away: fluorescent bulbs, solar powered floodlights, occupancy sensors, wall switch timers, low-flow showerheads and lots more. Get 'em while they last. First come, first serve.

- Name a TV show, presently on the air (still making new episodes) that you consider to be overrated? Lost comes to mind. It's gotten repetitive and I'm tired of all the mysteries.

- Do you recycle? Yes, for the most part I do.

- If junk food was as healthy for you as fruits and vegetables are, would you eat the same amount of each as you do now? I might see a slight increase in my potato chip intake but otherwise, about the same.

- Are you a different person now then you were 5 years ago? My basic disposition hasn't changed. I suppose I've matured some, whatever that means. The biggest difference is my increased distrust of the Bush administration and my fear for what the Iraqi War and the other White House policies have done to the Middle East Peace process as well as to the rest of the world.

- Would you ride an elevator for 12 hours straight for $5,000.00? Once you are on the elevator, you must stay on for the full 12 hours. The elevator will stop randomly at various floors but no one will get on or off. I'd probably get in the elevator, wait for the doors to close and then immediately regret my decision.

- Name something they can not pay you enough to do? Betray someone I love.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

- What television character would you least want to spend time with? This is subject to change after I read your responses but off the top of my head, I'll say Ricky Ricardo. He's got to be the most useless, annoying husband ever. Everything about him annoys me: his laugh, his singing, his need to control Lucy, You get the idea.

- What would the child you once were think of the adult you have become?
You had to ask this question, didn't you? I would like to think I'd be satisfied with what's become of me but truth be told, I'd be disappointed in nearly every aspect of my life. How pathetic is that? I would be happy with my attitude and how I handle things, if that counts for anything. That has me wondering. How old do you have to be before you're considered a spinster? Will I need to buy a rocking chair and learn to knit? I suppose I'll need to give up my secret life, huh? Gosh, I'm so unprepared.

- What's your biggest worry? My family, friends and my own health and happiness. That my nephew makes it through his cancer ordeal relatively unscathed. I worry what will become of the surviving pup if something should happen to other one (they're littermates). I think Hyde would be ok but I'm afraid it would devastate Jekyll.

- Would you drink a full glass of clear toilet water from a public bathroom for $10,000? I don't know if I'd be able to go through with it but I'd give it my best effort. Yuckers!

- You've agreed to go on the Gong Show. What act will you perform that you know will get you gonged? Be very specific.
I would play the saxophone, for which I take lessons but don't practice enough. If that didn't do it, I'd start singing 'The National Anthem'. Not only is that a hard song to sing (so I've heard), I know I'd forget the words.

- What are you doing this weekend? Working, of course. I'll stop at my sister's tomorrow where my whole family will be. The good news is my sister has an annual Easter egg hunt. The bad news is that I'm too old to participate. It's reserved for my youngest niece and nephew and my grandniece. Life is so unfair, isn't it?

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Daily Topic

What is the weather doing where you are...RIGHT NOW? It's raining.

Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My friend Debbie

What personality characteristic do you despise? Mean people suck. Oh, and people who always turn the conversation around so they can talk about themselves.

How do you vent your anger? Other than getting irked from time to time with the anons (and you, jk)on this board, I honestly can't remember the last time I was angry. I suppose it depends on the situation.

Do you still have friends from High School? Yes, I do

Do you smoke? No

Do your prefer white gold or yellow gold? white gold

At what age did you learn to drive? 16

What is your shoe size? 7 & 1/2

Do you know how to swim? Well, I've taken swimming lessons but I just about never go into the water.

Daily Topic

(1)If money was not an issue I would buy I'm thinking maybe a very large yacht so I can cruise the Mediterranean while I'm served wine and um, um... grapes.

(2) If I could invite one celebrity to dinner (who is no longer w/ us) who would it be? Why did you pick him/her? What would ask them? This is subject to change at any time but for today, I'll say Hedda Hopper. I love Hollywood gossip and she must have some wicked stories to tell.

(3) If you met your all time favorite celebrity and started dating but was told you can not tell anyone would you be able to keep that secret? Yes, I'd be able to keep the secret. I tell my friends to make sure they tell me if they want something kept secret. If they do, I'll go to my death with it. Otherwise, all bets are off.

(4) If you had to pick one celebrity that you look like, who would you pick? As I told izi below, I've always been told I look like Marie Osmond.

(5) Do you have any stories about a famous celebrity that you have met? hope they are all good one!! I've seen a few celebrities in NYC over the years but I'll tell this story. I hope it's not too long. When I was perhaps 20 years old, a few of us girls drove to Nashville. All the way down, my friend kept repeating how she wanted to meet Waylon Jennings. She wouldn't shut up about it. It finally got to the point where we all wanted to strangle her. I mean, really, what are the chances of us meeting Waylon Jennings? Since I've never liked an ounce of country music in my life, I had no idea what Waylon Jennings looked like. The drinking age was 21 in Tennessee so it kind of created a problem for us. We managed to weasel our way into this bar (my first introduction to the two-step) and got the waitress to agree to serve us as long as we were 'good' to her. Well, my friend starts talking with this guy who gives her his credit card and says to have the bartender start a tab and to get those two a drink. We were all standing up near the bar and she says, 'Hey, why don't I put all our drinks on his tab?'. We couldn't forget the waitress, of course, but otherwise, we drank much the night off that poor man's tab. We made sure we hightailed it before last call. Afterwards, we went to this after hours bar. It's was the only after hours bar I've ever been to that had a live band. The place was crazy as most after hours bars are. My friend went to buy us drinks and this guy steps in and pays for them (isn't it great being a woman sometimes?). I thought nothing of it but, my friend was flipping out. I'm thinking why is she going nuts over some dirty slime ball who bought us drinks (talk about ungrateful - jeesh). The guy was very unkempt and was just all around gross. You probably guessed who it was right? Yep, the slime bucket who bought us our drinks was none other than Waylon Jennings. Should I call it karma? You know what we about heard all the way home, right?

weekend topic

- What TV character would have the most fun with? The first person that popped into my head was Karen from 'Will and Grace'. She cracks me up. However, I do reserve the right to change my answer after I read your responses.

- What beverage do you drink most often? tequila? Nah, bottled water

- A person you don’t particularly like has food stuck between his teeth. Do you tell him/her? I wouldn't say anything.

- Would you flash a police officer for $10,000, knowing you might get arrested? Yeah, I'd take my chances.

- Tell us something crazy that you've done. I don't know what level of craziest I dare tell but I'll go with this one. One night I was out with a bunch of friends at a bar. I thought we needed to liven things up a bit so I stood up on our table and started dancing. What I hadn't expected was people started coming up to me and stuffing dollars in the waist of my pants. I kept my clothes on and no one got fresh. I danced until I made enough money to buy all my friends a round. There were about twelve of us. The sad part is that I wasn't even drunk.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

High school

WERE YOU POPULAR IN HIGH SCHOOL? I'll just say that I've always had an unusually large number of friends.




WOULD YOU WANT TO RELIVE YOUR HIGH SCHOOL YEARS, OR ARE YOU GLAD THEY'RE OVER? It's strange but I have lots of dreams about going back to elementary school. I'm an adult and I'm trying to pass myself off as a little kid. I wonder what Freud would say to that. Sure, I'd like to take my high school years over. I had a lot of fun in high school.


Weekend Topic

- Is there a TV station that you can't recall ever watching for more than a few minutes? If so, what is it? I'll say one of the Spanish channels. There is one that I sometimes watch, although I can't understand what they're saying, but the other one, no. It's too low-budget.

- How open are you about the intimate details of your relationship(s)? Volunteerly, not very but my friends love to drag it out of me.

- Are you prone to road rage? I don't get mad at other drivers. If they get mad at me, I usually blow them a kiss and mouth 'I love you' or wave as if we're old friends. It's great seeing their reaction.

- Should you get horrendous service at a restaurant, do you still leave a tip? Yeah, I'm a softie. I definitely wouldn't overtip but I would give something.

- Would you allow yourself to be buried up to your neck in sand for $1,000? Nope, couldn't handle it. Just the thought of it freaks me out.

- As always, what are you doing this weekend? Just doing the job.

Alfred Hitchcock/Twight Zone

1. Favorite Hitchcock movie - I only saw 'The Birds' once, many years ago, but I recall being truly frightened. I like 'To Catch A Thief'. I love Cary Grant and not much can beat the French Riveria. I can't go without mentioning 'Dial M for Murder'. Ok, I'm getting there, I promise. My favorite Hitchcock movie, which is subject to change, is 'Rebecca'. To see Mrs. Danvers standing there at the end while the fire is all around her, is soooo creepy.

Just a couple of tidbits:
I didn't know, until recently, that Joan Fontaine and her sister, whom I adore, Olivia De Havilland, have been estranged for what appears to be most of their adult life.
Secondly, Alfred Hitchcock didn't make 'Gaslight' but he should have, don't you think?
I never wanted his TV show so I can't comment there. After reading everyone's posts, I do find the 'leg of lamb' murder rather amusing.

2. Favorite Twilight Zone - Not sure if I have a favorite because they're all good but these two come to mind. One is the man who flips a coin and then he can read everyone's mind until the end of the show when he flips another coin. The other one is where the neighbors all fight over one family's bomb shelter. That one gets a little nuts.

Another tidbit
Something that surprised me about 'The Twilight Zone' is that Rod Sterling didn't write every episode. I noticed that during one of the marathons.